Difference between Greek yoghurt and natural yoghurt
Q: What is the difference between using Greek yoghurt and natural yoghurt when baking a cake?
A: When comparing these two type of yoghurts, and how they will affect the texture of your cakes is related to the fat and moisture content. Greek-style yoghurt is just natural yoghurt that has been strained one extra time – natural yoghurt is usually strained twice while Greek yoghurt is traditionally strained three times. This extra straining means that Greek yoghurt is more concentrated and is not only higher in fat (Greek Yoghurt is usually around 10% while natural yoghurt is only about 4% fat) but also thicker in consistency (due to extra moisture being removed). When using Greek yogurt as opposed to natural yoghurt, this additional fat will make the texture of a cake not only more moist but also a little denser (but pleasantly so) making it easier to cut, while the reduction in liquid added will also make the crumb more tender.