
Glacé Icing Consistency
Getting the right consistency for your glacé icing so that it coats your cake, biscuits or slice with a elegant, yet substantial, coating without it being heavy or so thin it can't be fully appreciated, can be tricky!
Glacé icings can go from super thick to almost water-like very quickly so the trick is that once you have a thick pouring consistency only add extra water, juice or other liquid in very small amounts (no more than a quarter of a teaspoon at a time), and test the thickness regularly, until you've reached the desired consistency. An easy way to test how it will coat the surface of your bake is to spoon a little onto the rim of a bowl and see how quickly it flows down and how thickly it coats it. You can then adjust it accordingly before you drizzle or spread it.
Remember, if you want your icing to set you should use pure icing sugar as glacé icing made with icing sugar mixture (or soft icing sugar) won't set as firmly. Also, spooning your icing over a warm bake will form a thinner glaze that will soak in slightly and help to infuse your cake, biscuits or slice with the flavour of the icing.